Driver & Transportation Policy
The intent of this policy is to outline policies and procedures that create a safe transportation system for our employees, students, and visitors. This policy is applicable to all WWU employees, students, volunteers, and visitors.
In order to qualify to be an Approved Driver, an applicant must be at least 19, not have more than three moving violations, and no at-fault accidents during the previous three years.
There are some departments on campus that are authorized to have provisionally approved student drivers who are 18 years old. The provisionally approved drivers are only allowed to drive WWU-owned vehicles for work-related transportation in that department. The names of these drivers will not be placed as an Approved Driver until they are 19, instead they will be notified, by email, of their provisional approval.
WWU employees and volunteers whose position requires that they drive on behalf of WWU, are asked to complete the Online Approved Driver Questionnaire and will have their motor vehicle records (MVR) and driving history checked at hire and annually thereafter. Their name will remain as an Approved Driver for as long as they are employed, volunteering at WWU, or no longer qualify.
WWU student employees whose position requires that they drive on behalf of WWU, are asked to complete the Online Approved Driver Questionnaire and will have their motor vehicle records (MVR) and driving history checked at hire and annually thereafter.
Anyone can request to be an Approved Driver, if they don't already have a position that requires they drive on behalf of WWU, they must submit a completed WWU Approved Driver Questionnaire to Human Resources. Their motor vehicle records and driving history will be checked annually for as long as they remain on the list.
Those licensed in the state of Washington must submit a completed Release of Interest form before their MVR can be ordered. Complete the bottom section of the form, including signature, and return to Human Resources at
Those wishing to be authorized to drive vehicles that may carry 7 or more occupants must also meet the following conditions, be at least 21, and have completed the online driver safety course within the last 3 years. Note: 15-passenger vans may not be used for ANY University activities. Contact Facility Services to become an authorized CDL driver or for CDL Driver arrangements for use of any vehicle requiring a CDL license.
Vehicle Usage
Guests may drive University owned or rented vehicles if they are the approved drivers. The required paperwork may be sent, in advance, to Human Resources for approval at Any guest/volunteer who is not an approved driver, should rent vehicles from a rental company under their own name and insurance and arrange for reimbursement from the appropriate University department.
Anyone using their personal vehicle for University business, which includes WWU arranged transportation must comply as follows:
- Drivers are expected to follow all federal, state, and local laws.
- Drivers transporting students must be an Approved Driver.
- While traveling on University business, the driver is responsible for the use of the vehicle and for safe transport of any passengers who travel in the vehicle.
- Privately-owned vehicles used for University business should be properly registered, inspected, insured, and appropriate for such use.
- Drivers using their personal vehicle for University business should ensure they are adequately covered under their personal insurance policy. The driver’s own auto liability insurance is considered the primary insurance for any accidents that occur while driving on University business. The University does not provide insurance coverage for a personal vehicle.
- University trailers are insured by the towing vehicle. Be sure that you have adequate insurance to tow University property behind your personal vehicle.
- 15-passenger vans may not be used for any University activities.
All WWU employees/volunteers driving WWU vehicles shall adhere to the following:
- No vehicle may be operated in violation of state or local laws.
- Safety restrains shall be used by the driver and passengers of the vehicle.
- Personal use of a University-owned or rented vehicle is not permitted. WWU vehicles (both owned and rented) shall only be used to perform work on behalf of the University. Transportation shall not be provided for individuals not associated with the University or University activities, including but not limited to spouses, children, or other family members. Limited exceptions to this may include instances where family members must accompany an employee while performing work and should be kept to a minimum.
- Persons operating a university owned, rented or personal vehicle while on official university business will be responsible for all traffic, driving, and parking violations received.
- Vehicles shall be returned to their department after use.
WWU employees assigned a specific WWU vehicle for routine use in their daily work, will be granted the following exceptions:
- The employee will be allowed to drive their vehicle to and from their home, before and after their shift.
- Transporting family members in a WWU vehicle is permitted when the employee is traveling to or from work, or on a work trip that requires the use of the WWU vehicle.
WWU Arranged Transportation
It is preferred to have all participants make their own transportation arrangements without oversight by a WWU representative.
The second method is for the activity Sponsor to arrange for transportation using University-owned, University-rented, or privately-owned vehicles. Regardless of the type of vehicle being used, all drivers must be an Approved Driver and, if applicable, have the 7+ designation. Note: 15-passenger vans may not be used for ANY University activities.
The activity Sponsor shall:
- Accompany students, when possible,
- Obtain the vehicles being utilized either through Facility Services following their procedures, or a third-party rental agency, or
- If using privately-owned vehicles, obtain proof of current insurance on the vehicle and inform the owner that their personal auto insurance would cover any accidents or injuries that might occur.
All documentation must be kept with the appropriate department or activity request form and maintained as outlined in the Retention and Disposal Policy.
If transportation is arranged by a WWU representative (activity Sponsor) and individuals attending the activity choose to use transportation other than that arranged for by WWU, the Sponsor must follow the Dual Mode Transportation Procedure.
The sponsor shall:
- Create a list of students who choose the WWU arranged transportation,
- Provide a Hold Harmless Agreement form, for signature, to those who choose NOT to travel in the WWU arranged transportation,
- Verify that the driver of the non-arranged transportation is an Approved Driver and has the 7+ designation if applicable, and
- Verify that the vehicle being used has current insurance.
All documentation must be kept with the appropriate department or activity request form and maintained as outlined in the Retention and Disposal Policy.
A special use One-Way Hold Harmless Agreement has been developed for use in situations where a student is using WWU arranged transportation to travel to a WWU activity but has elected to use non-University transportation or non-Approved Drivers back from the activity. If a student elects to use non-University transportation to an activity and use WWU arranged transportation back to WWU, please contact Human Resources at for a One-Way Hold Harmless Agreement with the proper language.
Vehicle Rental
15-passenger vans may not be used for any University activities.
Watch this video about the risks of 15-passenger vans and alternative options.
SAVINGS! Whenever possible, please use Enterprise Rent-A-Car for all University business. Please note that this account cannot be used for personal travel. In addition to savings in the cost of renting the vehicle, the rate provided through this account includes the Damage Waiver for no additional charge, as well as roadside assistance (some services may still incur a charge). So, in the event of an accident, the Enterprise Rent-A-Car insurance policy will cover damages instead of a claim being processed through our University business auto policy. The Car Rental Policy is located on the Accounting webpage under the Accounts Payable subheading of the Faculty & Staff Resources page. All drivers of the rental car need to be an Approved Driver.
If there is a significant price difference, feel free to rent with another company.
Rented vehicles being used for University business by an authorized Approved Driver, within the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico, that are not rented through Enterprise are covered by the University business auto insurance policy. An insurance ID card is available from the Risk & Safety Officer, which you can carry as proof of coverage. Please waive any insurance offered from the rental company, as it would be duplicate coverage.
Facility Services has a limited number of 7+ passenger vehicles that can be rented as well as Suburbans, Airporters and buses.
Vehicles rented outside the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico are NOT covered by the University business auto insurance policy. Please contact the Risk & Safety Officer prior to travel, to obtain the required insurance coverage.
Do not depend on credit card insurance coverage, as it is limited with exclusions and does not provide adequate coverage